28 August 2009

Software Development Life Cycle Cartoon

A classical cartoon shown in Software Engineering classes, blogs, emails, sites, etc about SDLC

Well, at least the current most-known, but few know that the original comes from Principles Of Software Engineering Management, Tom Gilb , 1988, p.45

from: http://www.lore.ua.ac.be/Teaching/SE3BAC/SoftwareSpecCartoon.gif.
(original from: http://www.iam.unibe.ch/%7Eese/Archive/ESE2000/WWW/pictures/SoftwareSpecCartoon.gif )
And a very similar cartoon from the SMUG book can be found:

(from: http://www.robelle.com/library/smugbook/tree.gif )

Anyway whoever was the original creator (it'd be nice to know) this metaphor makes laugh anyone who has worked in a Software Development Process.

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